Saturday, 5 July 2014

Songza music streaming service is said to be worth around $39 million.

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Google acquire's Songza for more than $39

The New York Times is reporting that Google had paid a sum of more than $39 million to Songza which is a four year old company. The deal was announced by Google on its Google Play Blog, saying "it is looking forward to acquire Songza." Meanwhile, Songza also shared the same news with its users worldwide. Saying "It cant think of a better company to join with to provide perfect soundtracks for everything we do"

Songza from its origin "Long Island City" to "New York office" google's headquarters, and Google will soon incorporate Songza into its play store services and other products

Songza was founded in 2010 by 'Aza Raskin' and 'Scott Robbin' and employs 50 people, and has about 5.5 milion subscribers.

Google announced on Tuesday that it had brought Songza. According to reports Google has paid more than $39 million to acquire it, However the exact price is not yet known.
This deal is very much smaller than the recent deal for Beats by Apple which was around $3 billions.

Amazon is also concerned with the music market and had recently launched Prime Music Service on 12 june 2014

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