Saturday 30 August 2014

Writing Your First Blog Post.

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Creating a blog and Writting a blog post for the first time.

Any business that begins online will have to answer for blogging. My personal suggestion to bloggers is add some quality content article to your blog before going for link building because it makes the path for the business. Remember GOOGLE wants content..! So What should be your first post about?

From the reader’s aspect of viewing the blog, I would suggest you to cover the following in your first blog post.
  • Tell them about what your business is all about. The more information about yourself and your business that you share, the easier it will be for the readers to trust you. They also want to look at the pictures of people who work for the business and more importantly, those who will be writing for the blog.  It helps them identify and connect with them, so it is suggested to add some profile picture of your's.
  • Let your audience know why you are into blogging. Consider your audience when answering the questions because it lets you share your intentions directly to your audience. And always ask yourself, Why would someone come to this blog. either you share your thoughts or teach them certain set of skills.
  • Allow your audience to leave feedback (comments). What if they want to email you? showcase exactly how one can contact you online (such as an email address or social media links) and offline (such as your address and phone number).
Create an “About Me” and “Contact Us” page as mandatory for a blog.

About Us – If people want to find out more information about your blog and company, this is where they are going to visit.

Contact Us – Make it easy for people to contact you by using a short and direct contact form on your page.

There are few other important pages that you will need to add to your blog as well. When getting indexed in Google.

DMCA – Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) page on your blog will protect you from copyright issues and allow any issues to be resolved.

Privacy Policy – Even if your site doesn’t collect user information, the tracking software and ads on your site might.

What’s Next?

Create all Social Networking and Fan Pages to go Live for promotions, it is the perfect time to get started with social reach and put everything in place before we start to see any real traffic driven to the site.

For any Assistance or Suggestions feel free to comment below                   "Sharing knowledge is to know and let know"

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