Monday, 7 July 2014

Top 5 Reasons why you are getting Fat

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Are you getting fat 'Here are the 5 top most reasons to be considerd' why you are getting fat around tummy and looking ugly.

How to reduce weight very fast. follow this steps correctly and find the difference.

1. Less intake of Calories

Strange isn't it, but true. Intake of less calories than the required amount  adds weight. This is because the body doesn't get enough nutrients from the intake of food as 'Famine' and it starts stocking up in the form of fat, In the belly region  you find fat stored which is used later as energy source, well after that when you get back to normal deit , the stocked fat isn't used and you gain weight.

2. Quality Sleep

Lack of sleep may also lead to weight gain. Study published by American Journal of Epidemiology stated lack of sleep affects body metabolism which leads to weight gain. The average time you should sleep at night, 7 – 8 hours a day.

3. Food Sensitivity

You think you are consuming the 'right' food, but still seem to gain weight. Food sensitivities can arise when you eat the same variety of food daily. Food sensitivity causes Immune system antibodies and lead to raise in insulin and cortisol, both of them lead to storing fat especially at belly region and you gain weight.

4. Hypothyroidism

There is a complex relationship between thyroid hormone and body metabolism, thyroid hormone regulates metabolism of the body. Hypothyroidism is a disorder. If the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of its hormone then the BMR decreases causing body to accumulate salts and water inside the body leading to weight gain which is common reason for excess weight gain.

5. Pregnant women?

Normal pregnant women need to increase her calorie count by 300, per day and need moderate exercise of 150 minutes per week. The way of work during pregnancy also leads to gain weight, that might be difficult to cut down later. According to Penn State College of Medicine researches found women who gained weight during pregnancy followed more unhealthy food consumptions and exercised less than usual. There might also be any other health issue that cause you gain weight.

Apart from these conditions, the other factors like harmonal imbalance could also make you gain weight. So its better to see an endocrinologist first.

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