Tuesday 16 September 2014

Hyderabad maid molested by Flipkart delivery boy.

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Hyderabad maid molested by Flipkart delivery boy.

Hyderabad, Telangana Maid Molested by Flipkart Delivery Boy
Hyderabad:It has been 48 hours since Mili Srivastava had been trying all means to reach people at Flipkart to track down the culprit(delivery boy) who allegedly molested her domestic help. After trying everything, even going vocal on social networks(Facebook) to get the firm to respond her, she on Monday, decided to go to the Banjara Hills police station.

Ms Srivastava's facebook post showed,

“Another incident of molestation and violation of a woman's modesty goes unnoticed. My maid was molested by a #flipkart delivery boy on Saturday. 48 hrs since, despite all the calls and requests to the company no response, let alone action against the boy who came to my house to deliver the order. When will we have a safe India for women???? As we look for the answers as a nation, one will make sure this is not repeated and the #flipkart stands up to not only selling products but owning up to the incident. We are not mere customers buying your products but respectable human being who deserve to be treated with respect.”

Ms Srivastava spoke to Deccan Chronicle After filing the complaint in Banjara Hills Police Station, “I will fight for my girl and she will get justice.” I have so far have failed to reach anyone at Flipkart, except the call centre executives, who give me the same protocol response ‘sorry for the inconvenience caused’. The company has not responded yet, says Ms Srivastava.

The incident took place when Mili was some where, and the accused came over to make a delivery. “It was cash-on-delivery. My help had just gone in to pick up the cash from the table, when the delivery boy attacked her and tried to force himself on her.” asking her to keep mum. Now, Ms Srivastava thinks that the only way is to let the police handle the case.

Sho, Murali Krishna said “The incident apparently occurred on September 13. They have filed a complaint and we are investigating. We got in touch with Flipkart. They said they would send someone to the station.”

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